Here you can find a list of publications that were developed in the research cluster.
Multilingualism in the classroom
Dlugaj, J., Fürstenau, S. (2019). Does the use of migrant languages in German primary schools transform language oders? Findings from ethnographic classroom investigations. In Ethnography and Education.
Gilham, P. & Fürstenau, S. (2019). The relationship between teachers' language experience and their inclusion of pupils' home languages in school life. In Language and Education.
Krause, A., Wagner, J., Çelikkol, M., Redder, A. & Prediger, S. (submitted manuscript). New migrants, new challenges? – Activating multi-lingual resources for understanding mathematics: institutional and interactional requirements.
Prediger, S., Kuzu, T., Schüler-Meyer, A. & Wagner, J. (2019). One mind, two languages – separate conceptualisations? A case study of students’ bilingual modes for dealing with language-related conceptualisations of fractions. In Research in Mathematics Education, 21(2), S. 188-207.
Schüler-Meyer, A., Prediger, S., Kuzu, T., Wessel L. & Redder, A. (2019). Is Formal Language Proficiency in the Home Language Required to Profit from a Bilingual Teaching Intervention in Mathematics? In International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 17(2), S. 317-399.
Ticheloven, A., Schwenke-Lam, T., & Fürstenau, S. (2020). Multilingual Teaching Practices in German Primary Classrooms: Langauge Comparisons. In C. Kirsch & J. Duarte (Eds.) Multilingual approaches for teaching and learning. From acknowledging to capitalising on multilingualism in European mainstream education. Abingdon: Routledge (in press).
Multilingualism and foreign language learning
Dittmers, T., Gabriel, C., Krause, M. & Topal, S. (2018). The production of voiceless stops in multilingual learners of English, French, and Russian: Positive transfer from the heritage languages?. In M. Benz, C. Mooshammer, S. Fuchs, S. Jannedy, O. Rasskazova & M. Zygis (Hrsg.) Proceedings of the 13th Conference on Phonetics and Phonology in the German-Speaking Countries (P&P 13), Berlin 28-29 Sep 2017. S. 41-44.
Gabriel, C. & Thiele, S. (2017). Learning and teaching of foreign language pronunciation in multilingual settings: A questionnaire study with teachers of English, French, Italian and Spanish. In C. Schlaak & S. Thiele (Hrsg.) Migration, Mehrsprachigkeit und Inklusion. Strategien für den schulischen Unterricht und die Hochschullehre. Stuttgart: ibidem, S. 79-104.
Hopp, H., Kieseier, T., Vogelbacher, M., & Thoma, D. (in press). Cognitive and linguistic profiles in early foreign language vocabulary and grammar. In A. Steinlen & T. Piske (Hrsg.). Cognition and Second Language Acquisition. Tübingen: Narr Francke Attempto.
Hopp, H., Vogelbacher, M., Kieseier, T., & Thoma, D. (2019). Bilingual advantages in early foreign language learning: Effects of proficiency in the minority and the majority language. In Learning and Instruction, 61, S. 99 - 110.
Hopp, H. (2018). Cross-linguistic influence in the child L3 acquisition of grammar: Sentence comprehension and production among Turkish-German and German learners of English. International Journal of Bilingualism. doi: 10.1177/1367006917752523
Lorenz, E., Bonnie, R. Jr., Feindt, K., Rahbari, S. & Siemund, P. (2018). Cross-linguistic influence in unbalanced bilingual heritage speakers on subsequent language acquisition: Evidence from pronominal object placement in ditransitive clauses. In International Journal of Bilingualism. doi:10.1177/1367006918791296
Siemund, P. & Lechner, S. (2015). Transfer effects in the acquisition of English as an additional language by bilingual children in Germany. In H. Peukert (Hrsg.) Transfer Effects in Multilingual Language Development. Hamburg Studies on Linguistic Diversity, Bd. 4. Amsterdam/ Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company, S. 147-160.
Integration of multilingualism in foreign language classes
Hopp, H., Jakisch, J., Sturm, S., Becker, C. & Thoma, D. (2019). Integrating multilingualism into the early foreign language classroom: Empirical and teaching perspectives. In International Multilingual Research Journal, 31(1), S. 1–17.
Multilingualism and language awareness
Andronie, M., Krzyzek, S., Bien-Miller, L. and Wildemann, A. (2019). Theory and practice: from Delphi-study to pedagogical training. In Qualitative Research Journal, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.
Multilingualism and writing
Brehmer, B. & Usanova, I. (2017). Biscriptuality and heritage language maintenance: Russian in Germany. In H. Peukert & I. Gogolin (Hrsg.) Transfer Effects in Multilingual Language Development. Hamburg Studies on Linguistic Diversity, Bd.6. Amsterdam, Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company, S. 99-121.
Riehl, C. M. (in print). Multiliteracy. The interdependence of L1 and L2 and extra-linguistic factors. In The Heritage Language Journal.
Usanova, I. (2016). Transfer in bilingual and (bi)scriptual writing: can German-Russian bilinguals profit from their heritage language? The interaction of different languages and different scripts in German-Russian bilinguals. In P. Rosenberg & C. Schroede (Hrsg.) Mehrsprachigkeit als Ressource in der Schriftlichkeit. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton, S. 159-177.
Usanova, I. (2019). Biscriptuality. Writing skills among German-Russian adolescents. Amsterdam, Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company.
Heritage languages
Brehmer, B. & Kurbangulova, T. (2017). Lost in Transmission? Family language input and its role for the development of Russian as a heritage language in Germany. In L. Isurin & C.-M. Riehl (Eds.) Integration, Identity and Language Maintenance in Young Immigrants: Russian Germans or German Russians. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, S. 225-268.
Multilingualism in preschool
Ertanir, B., Kratzmann J. & Sachse, S. (under review). Long-term Interrelations between Socio-emotional and Language Competencies among Preschool Dual Language Learners in Germany. In British Journal of Educational Psychology.
Ertanir, B., Kratzmann, J., Frank, M., Jahreiß, S. & Sachse, S. (2018). Dual Language Competences of Turkish-German children growing up in Germany: supportive factors of a functioning dual language development, Frontiers in Psychology, S. 1-11. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2018.02261
Multilingual development
Brandt, H., Lagemann, M. & Rahbari, S. (2017). Multilingual Development. A Longitudinal Perspective – Mehrsprachigkeitsentwicklung im Zeitverlauf (MEZ). In European Journal of Applied Linguistics, 5 (2), S. 347-357. doi: 10.1515/eujal-2017-0024